Thursday, December 30, 2010


It is time to make a change.

I am tired.

OK, to be clearer...I am tired of wasting my life rushing from task to task: cooking, picking up, cleaning, doing laundry, paying bills and trying to tackle the items on my To Do list. Is there really all there is to life for a working mom?

I know that these things need to get done, but there must be a better way. I feel like I go to work, come home from work, rush from task to task, fall asleep and start all over again the next day. I spend so much time taking care of our "stuff" that I am missing out on spending time on the things that are most important. My family, my health and myself.

OK, enough complaining. Here is how I really want to approach life:
  • Intentional
  • Mindful
  • Grateful
And I am missing the boat. To make a change, I feel like I need to SLOW DOWN.

Thus, the intent of this blog. I think it will be interesting to track my progress. Whether anyone else finds this helpful for their life, I don't know, but I think it will be good for me.

I know that "slowing down" means something different for everyone. I am going to chronicle what it means for me and my family. I have a few ideas on how I will start:
  • The first thing I want to tackle is cooking. I get stressed when I don't know what I'm going to feel my family for a meal, especially a weeknight dinner. I want to be more prepared and spend less time cooking.
  • Since I have two sons (ages 4 and 6) plus a husband, so I need to do a better job getting their help with cleaning and picking up. I'm thinking of some strategies for this... 
  • Downsize and get rid of clutter, so there isn't so much to clean and care for.
  • Automate finances and spend money intentionally.

Stay tuned!

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